Monday, January 08, 2007


YellowDog - Beware of the Dog

Virgin Records 2104 / 1978 - pop based prog outfit that made three records, and this is the second one. Features Kenny Young and Herbie Armstrong along with Peter Bardens as a guest keyboardist. What's to like here are the catchy melodies and the keys. It plays somewhat silly, but in a way that caught my attention and made me listen three times in full. I really enjoyed the songs 'flying saucers'. 'up in the balcony', and 'masters of the night', which built up like a B.O.C. or Zebra song that layered the keyboards like 'who's behind the door'. there were some good bass and synth solos by Rod Demick and Pete Bardens, and many times they were overusing the UFO sounds, but i liked it for just that reason. this is one of those records that many collectors would pass up because the cover shows a bunch of over-the-hill goofballs in aviator sunglasses, corny designer jeans, and faux leather jackets. the back cover shows the hot girl in the satin dress with a PUG face, which is just too much to handle when looking for something cool to buy, but yet i bought it....and surprise, suprise....better than expected. 1978 comes through in the pinch.

This record is apparently hard enough to find to demand a 15- and up price tag on the sites i checked. i got mine for 3- in Cape Cod a few months ago. it's a keeper. overall grade B/solid and fun, i want to rate it higher, but i know that in a few months i'll wonder what i was thinking when i listen to it again.


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