Sunday, March 26, 2006


Changing Times

A month makes a big difference if your life is in motion. The past 36 days has brought much to my record collecting style including the find of a decade in the depths of Brooklyn, NY. There they were, in the basement, some with mildew, but a beautiful 160 boxes of unsorted, untouched record store stock locked away in 1991. There were piles and piles of post punk, new wave, acid, moog, psych, and rare classic rock. There was also the 45's that have now spurned me to make two Brooklyn Uncovered Mix Tapes with plenty of new material.

Among the favorites on tonight's finishing touches to Brooklyn Uncovered Vol. 2 was Suburban Lawns, Ballistic Kisses, Jerry Harrison, Yung Wu, Psyche, Marc Riley with the Creepers, and Random Hold.

I'd go into more detail about these as they are being recorded, but with the short length of each track, and the total time dedicated to wading through the muck to find them among the rest, it is too much to blog. One interesting track was The Act "o.k. jerko", which was the lead singer from the Dream Academy before he sucked.

Burning discs still isn't kink free, so I went back to using the minidiscs for better mix tapes.

I will be getting the collection from Brooklyn in early April, and it will include more than 15,000 records and maybe 10,000 45's, but that is still to be determined depending on the price. I am excited to play the 45's box by box and make more mixes. It is gratifying to see them sell after you have determined that you don't like them. My post punk collection will not have too many boosts bigger than this one. I have a lot of work ahead of me.

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