Monday, January 29, 2007


Joe Wise - A New Day

Fontaine House 918 / 1970 - I had high hopes here, to find a Xian folk record that I might like. I was down at Zern's in Gilbertsville, PA digging around and came across this one, and I had never seen it before, so I bought it for $3 (it was marked $4.99). But wouldn't you know, not twenty minutes later, I found it again in another booth for a buck. Needless to say, I am glad I didnt' pick them both up, as this record was a bad Xian folk record, focusing more on folk than funk, and more on Christ than I cared to hear.

This is a midwest piece, probably Cincinnati. I had never seen the label Fontaine House before, and the cover shows Joe Wise in silhouette against a boardwalk railing in the distance. The guitar case is on the ground, looks so damn promising. However, this one is hard to get through more than a song or two. The warbly voice careens around and the instrumentation is straight bible-belt material. Ugh.

Overall grade D+, poor example of what to look for in the category while trying to get lucky and find a new undiscovered funky Xian folkster. I still have yet to get lucky in this category, but I will, I will.

Oh, by the way, I just picked up a really smashing load of Jazz records highlighted by some Blue Note 10" and LP, many private press 60's and 70's avante gardists and some nice early Bethlehem, Savoy, and Columbia Masterworks. On top of that, I also picked up an RCA promo load which includes EVERYTHING on the label dating back to the 1950's. The Warhol covers, the Shaded Dogs, the early 80's Modern Soul, the Living Stereo gems, the early Country, you name it. That's another blog, or ten.


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