Friday, December 29, 2006
Deborah Jo Piper - Back to Earth
Muffin Records/1981. this piece of crap grabbed my attention due to its 1981 dating and overall cheesy appearance. on the cover "DJ Piper" is in her leotard on her back, sunglasses on, black and white cover, and a few digitzed Pac-Man's float around in space above her. if that's not enough, she wears a headband in two different mug-shots on the back cover and tries to put on a convincing '80's cool-chick' look, showing off her obvious attraction and curry-favor towards one Miss Benatar. This is the sound being attempted, but in all attempts, in all songs, not even the cheese tastes good. Fans of bad pop music would still throw this one out. Grade D-/no further listens/not recommended for anything/voice and songs are horrendous.