Saturday, July 08, 2006


Brooklyn Update

I've been too busy to write much lately. The boxes from Brooklyn arrived without too much trouble. It took us and four movers the whole day to unload the basement in Brooklyn, lugging out the 165 heavy moving boxes, and up into the streets on a rainy April Friday. The traffic wasn't too bad going in, but the moving truck was tied up in traffic trying to get out of the city. We got the boxes back home and unloaded them, finishing up around 9 pm, a 12 hour work day. It was quite a load and a hard toil.

Now it is July. We have emptied only about 30 of the boxes, and the treasures are immense. The boxes are arranged in columns of 40 boxes in the basement. There are so many records that I have never seen in my time. Thousands. Many of the stranger items were sold in lots to dealers, and many are still undiscovered. I have also made a total of 8 Brooklyn Uncovered Mixes on cd, which have given a detailed description of the excellent music uncovered in these boxes.

I am writing today to detail that tomorrow is the possible final pick up of 6-10,000 singles in boxes. Many of the best punk and post punk 45's were brought home in April. This last load will reveal the rest of the secrets. The large runs of artists and unknowns from the NY area. The completist nature of the collection.

I will update sooner.

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